Middle School Homework Clubs


A program as important as ever!

Middle School Challenges:

  • Middle school is a tough time for many students, with challenges both at home and academically.
  • Many students are home alone after school.
  • Seventh and eighth grade are crucial years for setting academic levels in reading and math, impacting high school success.


  • Students need additional face time and relationship building with teachers and other school staff, assistance with their education to improve their comprehension levels, and skill-building to enable them to be successful in their schooling and beyond.
  • Many of our families are not able to adequately provide homework support in the home due to language barriers, parents’ work schedules, and numerous other reasons.


  • HSF partners with HSD to provide after school homework clubs to students needing extra assistance at all four middle schools. The programs are at the students’ homeschool right after classes end, taught by teachers and staff from the school, snacks are provided, and transportation is available to get students home.
  • Students are selected to participate based on their grades in core classes. They are expected to attend regularly throughout the school year. If they don’t have homework on a particular day they can read, do other academic programming, practice typing, etc.

The program provides:

  • Access to media centers and computers.
  • Staff who are familiar with the students’ curriculum.
  • Academic support and positive reinforcement.

How can you help?

  • The Hillsboro Schools Foundation provides $30,000 every year for the funding for these programs.
  • Donations made to the middle school homework clubs cover the additional staff time for teachers to stay after school 4 days a week from October to June.
  • We aim to keep student teacher ratios low, provide bilingual staff members, and expand to allow more students to participate. Eventually, we would like to offer these homework clubs for grades 3-6 as well. 
Program Benefits:
    • No financial investment is needed from parents or schools.
    • Students can access activity buses home and snacks after attending the program.
Future Expansion Plans:
    • The program aims to expand to include 3rd to 6th graders in the future.
         Additional Funding for Educators:
    • The Hillsboro Schools Foundation also provides funding for innovative grants for educators, supporting programs above and beyond normal school funding.

Click HERE to donate today!


Our HSF Volunteer League is looking to expand our team of individuals who are passionate about education and want to donate their time and skills.

Meet the Team

Made up of a dedicated and diverse group of individuals, the HSF Board and President’s Advisory Council provide leadership and oversight to foundation’s activities.

HSF at Your School

Since 2000, HSF has invested over $6 million in Hillsboro Schools. Find out which programs have been funded at your school.




5193 NE Elam Young Parkway, Suite A
Hillsboro, OR 97124

(503) 726-2159

501(c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Tax ID Number 91-1779425