From the Library at Poynter MS
In May of 2024, Kimberly Parrett, the Library Media Assistant at Poynter Middle School, was awarded funding for her innovative grant, “Books Supporting Students.”
This grant provided prose novels that students are eager to read, aiming to improve the reading abilities of struggling readers and English language learners. “Own-Voice” stories are written about characters from diverse backgrounds by authors who share that same identity. With 32 different languages spoken in homes at Poynter, these books have been a hit!
These books were delivered to Poynter at the beginning of the 2024/25 school year and made available for checkout. Students quickly seized the opportunity to borrow them. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Ms. Parrett for her dedication and hard work in making this project a success. Additionally, we are deeply grateful to the donors whose generosity made this opportunity possible – thank you!
Grant Results shared by Ashley Jennings, RA Brown MS
In May 2023, HSF awarded an innovative grant to Ashley Jennings at Brown Middle School for her project, “Native Plants Garden.” This initiative created a calming and educational garden space for students, featuring traditional plants and techniques from local Native American tribes. Students were actively involved in planning, designing, implementing, and caring for the garden, using both technological tools and traditional gardening methods.
This grant not only provides Brown Middle School with a sustainable garden space for years to come but also establishes a framework for students to have a voice in their community. After the first year of developing the initial design, students feel empowered to redesign and expand the garden to reflect the current student body.
To view a picture book created by Ms. Jennings, please click the image on the left.
Grant Results shared by Principal Emily Caldwell, Brookwood ES

When asked if the grant met her goals:
“Exceeded!! My goal was to have 90% of the school population experience the Wellness Center and the new equipment. As of today, I have had 103% of the school access the Wellness center and the tools we added. Students that have left Brookwood and are no longer part of our school population, have still had the impact of the items we purchased with the grant. The Pre-K classroom has accessed the sensory walks and the climbing wall, with support and supervision of the Pre-K staff. The Under the Sea sensory path is used by so many different grade levels. A fourth-grade class uses it on their way back from Library and Music EVERY Week! The Warrior Wall is used as a great affirmation for staff and students. 323 students have accessed the Wellness Center this year. There have been 1384 visits to the wellness center where the crash pad, jumping board, sensory walk, balancing beam, steppingstones, and weighted items are used EVERY DAY!”
Story shared by teacher Sean Fishback, Evergreen MS

Avery went on to present her graphic novel at Evergreen Middle School’s Comicon (Comic Convention) where professional artists and authors reviewed her work and remarked on Avery’s immense potential.
Evergreen Comicon was a game changer for Avery.
A Story from Tobias Elementary School

Nicole Chronister knew that Sara’s life wasn’t fair. She was dealing with life and family circumstances that no one should have to face in a lifetime, let alone at age 11. To make matters worse, the Tobias Elementary teacher didn’t know if her Girl’s Engineering After School Club was making an impact on her student. Sara, unlike the other curious and engaged girls, seemed unimpressed and aloof during the engineering projects that were introduced every week…more interested in her smart phone than building hydro lifts.
But Nicole learned the truth on parent day, the last day of the 8-week series when all the students presented their final projects. A shy humble man approached the teacher slowly. He introduced himself as Sara’s grandfather and thanked the teacher. He shared that his granddaughter rarely talked at home, rarely seemed happy, rarely seemed interested in anything but her phone…except on Monday nights after the Girl’s Engineering Club. On these nights, Sara came home full of excitement and ideas….happy. Sara insisted that she and her grandfather build a shelf together to display her club projects and built a movie projector completely on her own.
This engineering club was a game changer for Sara and her grandfather.
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Hillsboro, OR 97124
501(c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Tax ID Number 91-1779425